Interested in giving a course? Click here to learn how to submit a course to JCAHPO.

Note: The process of JCAHPO continuing education credit approval includes, but is not limited to, submission of program outlines by prospective instructors. While JCAHPO cannot predict the effectiveness of programs, each program approved for continuing education credit should correspond to the instructor's program description and be professional in substance and presentation. Comments on programs are part of the JCAHPO evaluation process. Students who desire are encouraged to communicate their comments on programs directly to JCAHPO.

To display only courses for a region click on the region name.
CourseStart DateJCAHPO A CreditsMax JCAHPO Credits per personProgram ProviderNamePhoneEmailSTATE PROVINCECountry
CR: Gulf Coast Ophthalmic Summit09/21/20247.007.00Retina Specialty InstituteKellie Krueger2519903937 ext5046kkrueger@southerneyenetwork.comFL